
Working with a coach helps you recognize and optimize your talents and strengths to live a life integrated with your values and goals.

You may benefit from coaching if you identify with any of the following:

  • You feel “overwhelmed” by life in general or some specific areas of life – relationships, work, school, maintaining a home.
  • You are an entrepreneur who needs some external support to stay on track to accomplish the goals you have set for your business and/or to help you keep the rest of your life together while you pursue your business dream.
  • You are highly motivated, a visionary, energetic (or exhausted) and have more great ideas than the focus and time to bring them about.
  • You are too busy to figure out a plan for your time and too busy not to! There’s a great return on investment in being proactive about how your time is spent.
  • You are independently employed, work from home or work at home, and find that having a home office requires discipline to avoid the many distractions that lead to procrastination…which will slow your path to success.
  • Procrastination is having a negative impact on your daily life and relationships. You have difficulty making decisions.
  • You are ready to make changes to bring your life into more satisfying balance.
  • You sense something is missing from your life…you want more!
  • You can’t juggle everything…you want less!
  • You have ADD orADHD which pose unique opportunities and challenges.
  • You are in a period of transition – recently graduated, change of employment, relocation, newly a parent or an “empty nester,” etc.  Whether the change is celebrated or grieved, it requires adjustment, and coaching can be very effective in bringing you through periods of stress.

Experience coaching with Lynne